Query Builder - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tangerang Regency

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Number of People Living in Poverty in Tangerang Regency is 276.33 (thousand population) ; Human Development Index of Tangerang Regency is 75.56

Economic Growth of Tangerang Regency in 2023 is 5.18% ; Number of Population in 2023 at Tangerang Regency is 3.362.61 (thousand people)

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Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Tangerang (Statistics of Tangerang Regency)Alamat : Jl. Ki Mas Laeng No.36 Tigaraksa - Tangerang 15720 Telp/Faks: (021) 5996105 Email : bps3603@bps.go.id





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